External Libraries

CLEO depends upon Kokkos and may depend upon some additional external libraries such as YAC and yaml-cpp depending on your setup. These are automatically built using CMAKE and compiled if required.


The installation of YAC for CLEO is currently in development and may require some manual installation.


All builds of CLEO require Kokkos in order to implement thread parallelism. You can read more about how we use Kokkos on our page about Kokkos.


YAC is required if CLEO couples to dynamics using YAC and/or uses MPI domain decompoisiton. You can find more information about it from its documentation:.

TODO(all): Detail how to install YAC for CLEO.


CLEO’s initialise library depends on the `yaml-cpp` package to read and write YAML files. You can find more information about it from its repository:.


CLEO’s coupldyn_cvode library requires the SUNDIALS CVODE package. You can find more information about it from its webpage:.