Header file: <libs/observers/observers.hpp>
template<typename Obs>
concept Observer¶ - #include <observers.hpp>
Concept Observer is all types that have functions for timestepping and observations functions as constrained here.
- tparam Obs:
The type that satisfies the Observer concept.
template<Observer Obs1, Observer Obs2, SDMMonitor SDMMo>
struct CombinedObserver¶ Structure CombinedObserver represents a new observer formed from combination of two Observers ‘a’ and ‘b’.
- Template Parameters:
Public Functions
inline CombinedObserver(const Obs1 obs1, const Obs2 obs2, const SDMMo mo12)¶
Construct a new CombinedObserver object.
inline void before_timestepping(const viewd_constgbx d_gbxs) const¶
Run before timestepping for combination of 2 observers.
Each observer is run sequentially.
- Parameters:
d_gbxs – The view of gridboxes in device memory.
inline void after_timestepping() const¶
Run after timestepping for combination of 2 observers.
Each observer is run sequentially.
inline unsigned int next_obs(const unsigned int t_mdl) const¶
Determine the next observation time for combination of 2 observers.
For combination of 2 observers, the next observation time is the smaller out of the two possible.
- Parameters:
t_mdl – The unsigned int parameter.
- Returns:
unsigned int The next observation time.
inline bool on_step(const unsigned int t_mdl) const¶
Check if on_step = true for combination of 2 observers.
For combination of 2 observers, return on_step = true if either observer is on_step. Else return false.
- Parameters:
t_mdl – The unsigned int parameter.
- Returns:
bool True if on step, false otherwise.
inline void at_start_step(const unsigned int t_mdl, const viewd_constgbx d_gbxs, const subviewd_constsupers d_supers) const¶
Run at the start of a step for combination of 2 observers.
Each observer is run sequentially.
- Parameters:
t_mdl – The unsigned int parameter.
d_gbxs – The view of gridboxes in device memory.
d_supers – View of superdrops on device.
inline SDMMonitor auto get_sdmmonitor() const¶
Get monitor for SDM processes from observer.
- Returns:
monitor ‘mo’ of the observer
auto operator>>(const Observer auto obs1, const Observer auto obs2)¶
Overloaded operator >> to combine two Observers.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
CombinedObserver<Obs1, Obs2> Combined Observer.
struct NullObserver¶
Structure NullObserver does nothing at all.
NullObserver defined for completion of Observer’s Monoid Set.
Public Functions
inline void before_timestepping(const viewd_constgbx d_gbxs) const¶
No operations before timestepping.
- Parameters:
d_gbxs – The view of gridboxes in device memory.
inline void after_timestepping() const¶
No perations after timestepping.
inline unsigned int next_obs(const unsigned int t_mdl) const¶
Next observation time is largest possible value.
- Parameters:
t_mdl – Unsigned int for current timestep.
- Returns:
The next observation time (maximum unsigned int).
inline bool on_step(const unsigned int t_mdl) const¶
Check if on step always returns false.
Null observer is never on_step.
- Parameters:
t_mdl – The unsigned int parameter.
- Returns:
bool, always false.
inline void at_start_step(const unsigned int t_mdl, const viewd_constgbx d_gbxs, const subviewd_constsupers d_supers) const¶
No operations at the start of a step.
- Parameters:
t_mdl – The unsigned int for the current timestep.
d_gbxs – The view of gridboxes in device memory.
d_supers – View of superdrops on device.
inline SDMMonitor auto get_sdmmonitor() const¶
Get null monitor for SDM processes from observer.
- Returns:
monitor ‘mo’ of the observer that does nothing
inline void before_timestepping(const viewd_constgbx d_gbxs) const¶
template<typename OFs>
concept ObsFuncs¶ - #include <consttstep_observer.hpp>
Concept ObsFuncs for all types that can be called used by ConsttepObserver for observation functions.
Type in ConstTstepObserver obeying ObsFuncs makes it possible for ConstTstepObserver to obey Observer concept.
- tparam O:
Type that satisfies the ObsFuncs concept.