Header file: <libs/superdrops/condensation.hpp>
struct DoCondensation¶
Implements condensation and evaporation microphysics for super-droplets.
Public Functions
inline DoCondensation(const bool do_alter_thermo, const double delt, const size_t maxniters, const double rtol, const double atol, const double minsubdelt)¶
Constructs a DoCondensation object.
- Parameters:
do_alter_thermo – Whether to alter the thermodynamics of the State.
delt – Time step to integrate ODE using implcit Euler method.
maxniters – Maximum no. iterations of Newton Raphson Method.
rtol – Relative tolerance for implicit Euler method.
atol – Absolute tolerance for implicit Euler method.
minsubdelt – Minimum subtimestep in cases of substepping implicit Euler method.
inline void operator()(const TeamMember &team_member, const unsigned int subt, subviewd_supers supers, State &state, const SDMMonitor auto mo) const¶
Operator used as an “adaptor” for using condensation as the function-like type satisfying the MicrophysicsFunction concept.
This operator is an “adaptor” for using condensation as the MicrophysicsFunction type in a ConstTstepMicrophysics instance (hint which satsifies the MicrophysicalProcess concept).
- Parameters:
team_member – The Kokkos team member.
subt – The microphysics time step.
supers – The view of super-droplets.
state – The State.
mo – Monitor of SDM processes.
- Returns:
The updated view super-droplets.
Private Functions
inline void do_condensation(const TeamMember &team_member, const subviewd_supers supers, State &state, const SDMMonitor auto mo) const¶
Enacts condensation / evaporation microphysics.
Enacts condensation / evaporation microphysics. Change to superdroplet radius, and optionally thermodynamics of the State due to sum of water condensed via diffusion and condensation / evporation of water vapour during a given timestep delt. Using equations (eqn [X.YY]) from “An Introduction To Clouds From The Microscale to Climate” by Lohmann, Luond and Mahrt, 1st edition.
- Parameters:
team_member – The Kokkos team member.
supers – The superdroplets.
state – The state.
mo – Monitor of SDM processes.
double superdroplets_change(const TeamMember &team_member, const subviewd_supers supers, const State &state) const¶
Changes super-droplet radii according to condensation / evaporation and returns the total change in liquid water mass in volume as a result.
returns total change in liquid water mass (dimensionless) in volume, ‘mass_condensed’, due to condensation onto / evaporation of super-droplets.
The equivalent serial version of Kokkos::parallel_reduce([…]) is summing deltamass over loop:
for (size_t ii(0); ii < ngbxs; ++ii) { [...] totmass_condensed += deltamass; }
- Parameters:
team_member – The Kokkos team member.
supers – The superdroplets.
state – The state.
- Returns:
The total change in liquid water mass.
void effect_on_thermodynamic_state(const TeamMember &team_member, const double totmass_condensed, State &state) const¶
Applies the effect of condensation / evaporation on the thermodynamics of the State.
if do_alter_thermo is true, use a single team member to change the thermodynamics of the State due to the effect of condensation / evaporation.
- Parameters:
team_member – The Kokkos team member.
totmass_condensed – The total mass of liquid condensed.
state – The State of the volume containing the super-droplets (prior to condensation / evaporation).
Private Members
ImplicitEuler impe¶
instance of ImplicitEuler ODE solver
inline DoCondensation(const bool do_alter_thermo, const double delt, const size_t maxniters, const double rtol, const double atol, const double minsubdelt)¶
inline MicrophysicalProcess auto Condensation(const unsigned int interval, const std::function<double(unsigned int)> step2dimlesstime, const bool do_alter_thermo, const size_t maxniters, const double rtol, const double atol, const double MINSUBDELT, const std::function<double(double)> realtime2dimless)¶
Constructs a microphysical process for condensation / evaporation of super-droplets with a constant time-step ‘interval’.
- Parameters:
interval – The constant time-step for condensation.
do_alter_thermo – Whether to alter the thermodynamic state after condensation / evaporation.
maxniters – Maximum no. iterations of Newton Raphson Method.
step2dimlesstime – A function to convert ‘interval’ time-step to a dimensionless time.
rtol – Relative tolerance for implicit Euler method.
atol – Absolute tolerance for implicit Euler method.
MINSUBDELT – Minimum subtimestep in cases of substepping implicit Euler method.
realtime2dimless – A function to convert a real-time to a dimensionless time.
- Returns:
The constructed microphysical process for condensation / evaporation.