Kokkos Aliases

Header file: <libs/kokkosaliases.hpp> [source]


using dualview_gbx = Kokkos::DualView<Gridbox*>

Dual view of gridboxes.

using dualview_constgbx = Kokkos::DualView<const Gridbox*>

Dual view of const gridboxe.

using viewh_gbx = dualview_gbx::t_host

View in host memory of gridboxes.

using viewh_constgbx = dualview_constgbx::t_host

view in host memory of const gridboxes.

using viewd_gbx = dualview_gbx::t_dev

View in device memory of gridboxes.

using viewd_constgbx = dualview_constgbx::t_dev

View in device memory of const gridboxes.

using kokkos_pairmap = Kokkos::UnorderedMap<unsigned int, Kokkos::pair<double, double>, ExecSpace>

E.g. for map from unsigned int gbxindex to gridbox boundaries

using kokkos_uintmap = Kokkos::UnorderedMap<unsigned int, unsigned int, ExecSpace>

E.g. for map from one unsigned int gbxindex to another

using kokkos_dblmaph = Kokkos::UnorderedMap<unsigned int, double, HostSpace>

E.g. for map from unsigned int gbxindex to gridbox area/volume on host

using viewd_ndims = Kokkos::View<size_t[3]>

View in device memory for number of gridboxes in CartesianMaps.

using viewd_counts = Kokkos::View<size_t*>

View in device memory for sorting superdroplets Scatter view for abstracted use of atomics/duplicates when computing sums for viewd_counts

using scatterviewd_counts = Kokkos::Experimental::ScatterView<size_t*>
namespace KokkosCleoSettings


auto team_size = Kokkos::AUTO()

configurable number threads per team for hierarchical parallelism over superdroplets