Super-Droplet Kokkos Aliases

Header file: <libs/superdrops/kokkosaliases_sd.hpp> [source]


using ExecSpace = Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace

(default) execution space for device parallelism

using HostSpace = Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace

(default) execution space for host parallelism

using viewd_supers = Kokkos::View<Superdrop*>

View in device memory of superdrops.

using viewd_constsupers = Kokkos::View<const Superdrop*>

View in device memory of const superdrops.

using kkpair_size_t = Kokkos::pair<size_t, size_t>

size_t pair (e.g. see supersingbx refs).

using subviewd_supers = Kokkos::Subview<viewd_supers, kkpair_size_t>

Sub-View of supers (e.g. for instance in a gridbox).

using subviewd_constsupers = Kokkos::Subview<viewd_constsupers, kkpair_size_t>

Const supers subview (e.g. for instance in a gridbox).

using TeamPolicy = Kokkos::TeamPolicy<ExecSpace>

Team policy in the execution space.

using TeamMember = TeamPolicy::member_type

Member in device parallel execution team.

using HostTeamPolicy = Kokkos::TeamPolicy<HostSpace>

Team policy in the host space.

using HostTeamMember = HostTeamPolicy::member_type

Member in host parallel execution team.

using GenRandomPool = Kokkos::Random_XorShift64_Pool<ExecSpace>

Thread-safe random number generation.

Defines an alias for a pool of Kokkos random number generators in the execution space.

using viewd_constcoords = Kokkos::View<const double[3]>
using viewd_coords = Kokkos::View<double[3]>

Helper type for view in device memory for superdroplet coords: (coord3, coord1, coord2).