Our Docs

Sphinx builds this documentation and we integrate C++ documentation built by Doxygen using the Breathe extension.

You can build the documentation locally by building the Doxygen .xml files followed by the Sphinx .html files, e.g.

$ cd ./docs && mkdir build && mkdir build/doxygen
$ doxygen doxygen/doxygen.dox && make html

which you can then view in your preferred browser e.g.

$ open build/html/index.html

Viewing Documentation Files on a Remote Machien Using your Local Browser

Let’s say you’re working on a remote machine (e.g. Levante) and have made some changes to the documentation in a branch of your repository. After you built the documentation via

$ cd ./docs && mkdir build && make html

You probably now want to open a brower and have a look at the updated docs. However, open build/html/index.html won’t work because the index.html file is on the remote sever not your local file system. Here is a good way to solve this problem exampled on Levante:

  1. Open up a new terminal on your local machine

  2. SSH to Levante with local port forwarding enabled:

    $ ssh -L 8765:localhost:8765 <userid>@levante.dkrz.de
  3. Enter the directory than contains the index.html file and create an http server from it.

    $ cd docs/build/html/
    $ python -m http.server 8765
  4. Open the server on your preferred browser e.g. https://localhost:8765

In the command above the ‘8765’s in 8765:localhost:8765 are port numbers. They can be pretty much any number above 1024, but if someone else is already using the port number you choose then it won’t work for you. In that case simply try a different number / numbers e.g. 9090:localhost:9090.

Further Resources







Contributing to Our Documentation

If you would like to contribute to the documentation, have questions or would like clarification or more detail on a particular topic, please contact us!.