Welcome to GoodSciProjTemplate’s Documentation!¶
Please consider that this project is under active development and our documentation is a work in progress.
This documentation is built from the latest code in the main branch of the repository. It does not necessarily reflect a released version, and there may be short-commings when compared to the on-going code development. If you have queries related to this or if there is anything you wish to report please please contact us!.
This library aims to be a template to make it easy and quick for you to incorporate best coding and scientific practises into your GitHub repositories. The template demonstrates:
what to include in file headers
how to document your Python and C++ code
how to make tests for your code (using pytest)
how to liscence your code
how to write a citation for your code
things to include in a .gitignore file (e.g. large files like jupyter notebooks)
how to list the requirements of your code (i.e. dependencies) in an environment YAML file
how to use pre-commit for code checks, linting and formatting (see https://pre-commit.com/)
how to use continuous integration (CI) to run pytest and publish documentation on GitHub (see instructions on continuous-integration on GitHub).
how to write conventional commit messages
how to use conventional commits and CI for automatic version control on GitHub
To (locally) reproduce this project, simply clone the repository. You will need to setup an
environment with the dependencies installed and then run pre-commit install
but other than
that everything should work out of the box and you can now run & have fun with the project…
If not, please raise an issue on the GitHub repository.
Time to get involved! Check out the getting started page.
Yes please! Simply contact us!