Commit Messages and Versioning

This repository uses cocogitto, a Command-Line Interface (like git) and a toolbox for the Conventional Commits and Semver specifications. The basic idea is that by writing commit messages which always obey the conventional commit message structure cocogitto can automatically perform version bumping and generate a changelog for you.

The conventional commit message structure is:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

but you can find more information on the conventional commit website (see below).

Setting-Up Cocogitto

This repository enables a few of cocogitto’s optional features (see cog.toml). One is that the changelog is generated via GitHub’s CI relative to the first tag called “v0.0.0”. You therefore need to delete any existing and then add this tag to your GitHub repository, either on GitHub or by pushing the tag from your local repository, e.g.

  1. git tag -a v0.0.0 -m "init repo"

  2. git push --tags

You also need to modify some settings in the cog.toml file under [changelog]:
  • repository = "[your_repo_name]"

  • owner = "[your_github_username]"

  • authors = [{ username = "[your_github_username]", signature = "[your_name]" }]

Deleting Cocogitto

To delete cocogitto, simply remove the cog.toml and .github/workflows/cocogitto.yaml files from your repository. You might also want to delete the if you’ve generated one.


Conventional Commits