Copyright (c) 2024 MPI-M, Clara Bayley
----- Microphysics Test Cases -----
File: run_0dparcel_test_case.py
Project: test_case_0dparcel
Created Date: Wednesday 28th February 2024
Author: Clara Bayley (CB)
Additional Contributors:
Last Modified: Monday 17th June 2024
Modified By: CB
License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
File Description:
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .run_0dparcel_model import run_0dparcel_model
from libs.src_mock_py import calcs
def run_0dparcel_test_case(
time_init, time_end, timestep, thermo_init, microphys_scheme, binpath, run_name
"""Run test case for a 0-D parcel model.
This function runs a 0-D parcel model with a specified microphysics scheme and parcel dynamics
given the initial thermodynamics. The data is then saved/plotted in the binpath directory
using the run_name as a label.'''
time_init (float):
Initial time for the simulation (s).
time_end (float):
End time for the simulation (s).
timestep (float):
Timestep for the simulation (s).
thermo_init (Thermodynamics):
Initial thermodynamic conditions.
Microphysics scheme to use in test run.
binpath (str):
Path to the directory where data/plots will be saved.
run_name (str):
Name of the test run (used for labeling output).
AssertionError: If the specified binpath does not exist or if run_name is empty.
print("\n--- Running 0-D Parcel Model ---")
out = run_0dparcel_model(
time_init, time_end, timestep, thermo_init, microphys_scheme
print("--- Plotting Results ---")
assert Path(binpath).exists(), "The specified binpath does not exist."
assert run_name, "The run_name cannot be empty."
plot_0dparcel_thermodynamics(out, binpath, run_name)
plot_0dparcel_massmix_ratios(out, binpath, run_name)
def plot_0dparcel_thermodynamics(out, binpath, run_name):
"""Plot thermodynamic variables for a 0-D parcel model and save the plots.
This function plots the pressure, density, temperature, and potential temperature(s)
of a run of the 0-D parcel model as a function of time and then saves the plots as a PNG image.
out (OutputThermodynamics):
OutputThermodynamics object containing the thermodynamic data.
binpath (str):
Path to the directory where the plots will be saved.
run_name (str):
Name of the test run to use in naming saved image.
AssertionError: If the specified binpath does not exist or if run_name is empty.
assert Path(binpath).exists()
assert run_name
print("plotting " + run_name + " and saving plots in: " + binpath)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True)
figname = run_name + "_thermodynamics.png"
axs = axs.flatten()
time = out.time.values
plot_variable_on_axis(axs[0], time, out.press)
plot_variable_on_axis(axs[1], time, out.rho)
plot_variable_on_axis(axs[2], time, out.temp)
plot_thetas_on_axis(axs[3], time, out.temp, out.press, out.press.values[0])
for ax in axs:
ax.set_xlabel(out.time.name + " /" + out.time.units)
save_figure(fig, binpath, figname)
def plot_0dparcel_massmix_ratios(out, binpath, run_name):
"""Plot mass mixing ratios for a 0-D parcel model and save the plots.
This function plots the mass mixing ratios of water vapor, cloud liquid, cloud ice,
rain, snow, and graupel for a run of the 0-D parcel model as a function of time and then
saves the plots as a PNG image.
out (OutputThermodynamics):
OutputThermodynamics object containing the mass mixing ratio data.
binpath (str):
Path to the directory where the plots will be saved.
run_name (str):
Name of the test run to use in naming saved image.
AssertionError: If the specified binpath does not exist or if run_name is empty.
assert Path(binpath).exists(), "The specified binpath does not exist."
assert run_name, "The run_name cannot be empty."
print("plotting " + run_name + " and saving plots in: " + binpath)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, sharex=True)
figname = run_name + "_massmix_ratios.png"
axs = axs.flatten()
time = out.time.values
plot_variable_on_axis(axs[0], time, out.qvap)
plot_variable_on_axis(axs[1], time, out.qcond)
plot_variable_on_axis(axs[2], time, out.qice)
plot_variable_on_axis(axs[3], time, out.qrain)
plot_variable_on_axis(axs[4], time, out.qsnow)
plot_variable_on_axis(axs[5], time, out.qgrau)
for ax in axs:
ax.set_xlabel(out.time.name + " /" + out.time.units)
save_figure(fig, binpath, figname)
def plot_variable_on_axis(ax, time, var):
"""Plot a variable against time on an axis.
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): The (x-y) axis on which to plot the variable.
time (array-like): Time values (x axis).
var (OutputVariable): The variable to be plotted (y axis).
ax.plot(time, var.values)
ax.set_ylabel(var.name + " /" + var.units)
def plot_thetas_on_axis(ax, time, temp, press, press0):
"""Plot potential temperature(s) on a specified axis.
This function calculates and plots potential temperature(s) against time on a specified axis.
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): The (x-y) axis on which to plot the potential temperature(s).
time (array-like): Time values (x axis).
temp (OutputVariable): Temperature variable.
press (OutputVariable): Pressure variable.
theta_dry = calcs.dry_potential_temperature(temp.values, press.values, press0)
ax.plot(time, theta_dry, label="dry")
ax.set_ylim(theta_dry[0] - 1, theta_dry[0] + 1)
ax.set_ylabel("potential temperature /" + temp.units)