Adiabatic Motion¶
- class tests.test_case_0dparcel.adiabatic_motion.AdiabaticMotion(amp, tau)[source]¶
A class for driving the adiabatic expansion/contraction of a volume of air.
Enacts adiabatic sinusoidal pressure change of parcel of air.
- Args:
- amp (float):
Amplitude of pressure sinusoid [Pa].
- tau (float):
Time period of the pressure sinusoid [s].
- Attributes:
- amp (float):
Amplitude of pressure sinusoid [Pa].
- omega (float):
Angular frequency of pressure sinusoid (tau is time period) [radians s^-1].
- cp_dry (float):
Specific heat capacity of water vapour [J/Kg/K] (IAPWS97 at 273.15K).
- rgas_dry (float):
Specific gas constant for dry air [J/Kg/K] (approx. 287 J/Kg/K).
- epsilon (float):
Ratio of gas constants, dry air / water vapour (approx. 0.622).
- dpress_dtime(time)[source]¶
Calculate the rate of change of pressure with respect to time.
The rate of change of pressure with respect to time is calculated from the equation:
\[\frac{dP}{dt} = - \omega \cdot A \cos(\omega t)\]so that pressure evolution follows:
\[P(t) = P_{\rm init} - A \sin(\omega t)\]where \(P_{\rm init} = P(t=t_{\rm{init}})\)
- Args:
time (float): Current time [s].
- Returns:
float: Rate of change of pressure with respect to time [Pa/s].
- drho_dtime(qvap, temp, rho, dtemp_dt, dpress_dt)[source]¶
Calculate the rate of change of density with respect to time.
The rate of change of temperature with respect to time is calculated from the equation:
\[\frac{d\rho}{dt} = \frac{\rho}{P} \frac{dP}{dt} - \frac{\rho}{T} \frac{dT}{dt}\]where
\[P = \rho R_{\rm dry} \left(1 + \frac{q_{\rm v}}{\epsilon}\right) T\]assuming \(q_{\rm v} \approx r_{\rm v}\), i.e. \(q_{\rm dry} \gg q_{\rm v}\).
- Args:
- temp (np.ndarray):
Temperature of air [K].
- rho (np.ndarray):
Density of air [Kg/m^3].
- qvap (np.ndarray):
Mass mixing ratio of water vapor [Kg/Kg].
- dpress_dt (np.ndarray):
Rate of change of pressure with respect to time [Pa/s].
- dtemp_dt (np.ndarray):
Rate of change of temperature with respect to time [K/s].
- Returns:
np.ndarray: Rate of change of density with respect to time [Kg/m^3/s].
- dtemp_dtime(rho, dpress_dt)[source]¶
Calculate the rate of change of temperature with respect to time.
The rate of change of temperature with respect to time is calculated from the equation:
\[\frac{dT}{dt} = \frac{1}{\rho c_{\rm p, dry}} \frac{dP}{dt}\]assuming \(c_{\rm p} \approx c_{\rm p, dry}\), i.e. \(q_{\rm dry}c_{\rm p, dry} \gg q_{\rm v}c_{\rm p, v}\), and \(q_{\rm dry}c_{\rm p, dry} \gg q_{\rm v}c_{\rm k}\) for all condensates \(k\).
- Args:
- rho (np.ndarray):
Density of air [Kg/m^3].
- dpress_dt (np.ndarray):
Rate of change of pressure with respect to time [Pa/s].
- Returns:
np.ndarray: Rate of change of temperature with respect to time [K/s].
- run(time, timestep, thermo)[source]¶
Run the adiabatic motion computations.
This method integrates the equations from time to time+timestep for adiabatic expansion/contraction of a parcel of air.
- Args:
- time (float):
Current time [s].
- timestep (float):
Time step size for the simulation [s].
- thermo (Thermodynamics):
Object representing the thermodynamic state of the air.
- Returns:
Thermodynamics: Updated thermodynamic state of the air.