Python Bindings for C++ ======================= This repository demonstrates how to use pybind11 to build Python modules out of C++ code so it can be used in Python like a "normal" Python module. You can see our example `libs/src_cxx/ `_. To make the Python bindings you can simply perform .. code-block:: console $ cmake -S ./ -B ./build $ cd build && make which fetches and uses pybind11 (see CMakeLists.txt) to make a Python module out of the C++ code. Deleting C++ From This Repository ################################# Not using C++? Don't want it in your repository? Then you can remove doxygen, breathe and certain files from your repository: *Hint*: After you have successfully deleted the C++ parts of the repository, you can make the documentation without them, e.g. ``cd ./docs && mkdir build && make html``. To delete the C++ parts of the repository: #. Delete the files/directories: .. code-block:: console $ rm -rf libs/src_cxx docs/source/src_cxx docs/doxygen CMakeLists.txt tests/ #. In the file ``docs/source/index.rst`` delete: ``src_cxx/index`` from the toctree. #. In the file ``.github/workflows/CI.yaml`` delete: .. code-block:: yaml - name: Build Pybind11 module for C++ code run: | cmake -S ./ -B ./build cd build && make and .. code-block:: yaml - name: Install Doxygen run: /usr/share/miniconda/envs/goodsciproj_env/bin/doxygen --version shell: bash - name: Generate Doxygen Documentation run: | cd docs && mkdir build && mkdir build/doxygen && /usr/share/miniconda/envs/goodsciproj_env/bin/doxygen doxygen/doxygen.dox shell: bash #. In ``docs/source/`` delete ``"breathe"`` from ``extenstions`` and .. code-block:: python # Integrate doxygen with sphinx via breathe breathe_projects = { "src_cxx": "../build/doxygen/xml/", } breathe_default_project = "proj" #. In ``.pre-commit-config.yaml`` delete: .. code-block:: yaml - repo: rev: 0.8.0 hooks: - id: cpplint args: [--linelength=100, "--filter=-runtime/references,-readability/braces,-build/include,-build/c++11"] types_or: [c, c++, cuda] #. In ``requirements.txt`` delete ``breathe``. #. In ``environment.yaml`` delete ``- conda-forge::doxygen>=1.10.0`` Pybind11 ########